Grune Heidi Farm Rescue
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Welcome to Grune Heidi Farm
  It is our mission and purpose to educate the public regardless of being a horse lover or a horse owner. We strive to rescue American Saddlebreds and Arabian horses. It is our intention to increase the overall awareness of the dangers facing these magnificent breeds of horses in the United States today. 

  We are focused on the prevention of abuse, neglect and the protection of American Saddlbreds and Arabian horses from the threat of slaughter. Grune Heidi Farm (GHF) strives to increase public awareness of these issues through the development of educational materials and the use of social media outlets. 

  Grune Heidi Farm is a 501 (c) 3 Non-profit Charity.  
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We are a Top Rated Great Non Profit  years in a 9 years in a row!!!
 2015 - 2024!

Future Saddlebred Saviors.. 
Adopt your DREAM...
Awarded the GuideStar Gold Seal of  Transparency in 2019 - 2024